Hurst Park Systems


About Us


Hurst Park Systems Ltd was established in 1994 as a software development and IT consulting company. We have developed many commercial products for our customers spanning a variety of industries. These include:

  • HPS LightTouch™, the Staff Admin Toolkit, providing each staff member their own console for raising expense claims & leave requests, reporting sickness, completing timesheets, CPD management and making approved purchases.
  • Energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions reporting (SECR and Carbon Footprint) on behalf of a leading greenhouse gas monitor and services company.
  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses tracking system, enabling VAT, energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions to be derived and reported.
  • Capacity management front-of-house system for NHS medical surgeries. Over 116,000 medical transactions completed during its first year of service.
  • Bespoke accounting package based on Microsoft's SharePoint platform.
  • International sales performance analysis software for multi-national beverage supplier.
  • Local authority system to accumulate energy usage data associated with industrial planning applications.
  • Training management system, managing internal and external training places to staff, recording outcomes and CPD.
  • Expert system for selecting appropriate products to assist persons with mobility challenges.
  • Health and Safety capture system for the construction industry.
  • Call centre data capture facility for sales staff in the energy sector.
  • Document-managed web-site for a London University college.
  • Database-driven web site development.

Based in London & Cambridge UK, Hurst Park Systems Ltd specialises in database-driven web applications for screen and/or phone display.   If any of the examples above are close to your requirements, please do get in touch...